I`m a woman full of surprises, you just need to get to know me, got sense of humor and I like to think about myself as sexy and provocative. Love to be online and interact with you guys, being there for your sexual pleasures and also for mine.
- 名前: Becky Shines
- 年齢: 37
- オンにする:
Loving and funny man, sweet and tender but also wild when it`s the case . A man who makes me reach the highest point of pleasure.
- カテゴリー: 女の子
- 民族性: 白人
- 体型: 中程度
- バストサイズ: 普通
- 髪の長さ: ロング
- 髪の色: ブラック
- Nickname: BeckyShines
- Platform: Livejasmin
- 評価:4.84
- 非公開: $2.49
- タグ: