Hi, my name is Portia, let's have a good time together and get to know each other better.MmI like watching different TV series and reading books, I also like to draw.
- Nome: Portia Bucker
- Idade: 18
- Ligar:
MmI like watching different TV series and reading books, I also like to draw.
- Categoria: Amadores
- Etnicidade: Branco
- Tipo de Corpo: Magro
- Tamanho do Peito: Normal
- Comprimento do cabelo: Longo
- Cor do cabelo: Castanho
- Nickname: PortiaBucker
- Platform: Livejasmin
- Avaliação:1
- Privado de: $0.98
- Tags: Captura de tela
Portia Bucker 18 y.o. Magro Flerte quente